Patrick Sweeney acted as the Moderator of a panel entitled “New and Disruptive Business Models in the Publisher/Developer Relationship” at Casual Connect USA 2016. The panel examined some of the new and innovative business models being employed by publishers financing games. New publishers, crowdfunding, equity-based deals and hybrids discussed by this panel of dealmakers from the publisher side as well as the representation and legal side. The panelists represented cutting edge dealmakers in today’s publishing world and shared the creativity that goes into deals and how the business has evolved over the years.
Panelists: Justin Berenbaum, VP, Business Development & Strategic Relations, 505 Games
Klaas Kersting, CEO & Founder, flaregames
John Robinson, VP, Business Development, Nexon
Jeff Hilbert, CEO, Starting Point
MODERATOR: Patrick Sweeney, Founding Partner, Interactive Entertainment Law Group